Our shuttles are cleaned every evening and all lost belongings are returned to our main office in Breckenridge. Our drivers are required to report any items found in the vehicles immediately, and we try hard to reunite all lost belongings with the rightful owner. As soon as you notice that you have lost an item, please contact our call center staff to see if your belongings have been found. Even if you don’t notice those elusive missing sunglasses for a few days, be sure to call our office to check if our driver found them.
We understand that traveling may be stressful, especially when you have an early morning trip and you fell asleep on the shuttle only to wake up bleary-eyed at the airport. Perhaps your bag managed to open and something fell out. We will hold onto most lost and found items until the end of the season. If you call and we have found your belongings, simply give our staff an address where the items can be sent. We would be more than happy to ship your belongings back to you at your own cost. If you plan to take our shuttle again, we will hold onto the item and send it down with your driver when you are picked up.
Peak 1 Express is not responsible for items lost during your trip.
As always with travel, please remember to check your bags to make sure that you have all of your belongings with you. It is also important to check the seats around you and underneath just in case an item has fallen out of your bag, or off your lap during your trip. Make sure bags, jackets, and other large items are labeled with a name and phone number. We are happy to reunite you with your recovered lost items, however, Peak 1 Express is not responsible for items lost during your trip.